How to Breathe like a Yogi

How to Breathe like a Yogi

Yogic breathing, also known as pranayama, is used in yoga to cleanse the body and mind. Practicing yogic breathing increases your awareness of your body while helping you relax. Breathing is an involuntary action, but to breathe like a yogi, you must be fully aware of how you inhale and exhale.

Things You'll Need:

Yoga mat


Lie down on a mat on the floor. Stretch your legs and arms out in a comfortable position. Look up at the ceiling and then close your eyes gently.


Inhale through your nose allowing your abdomen to rise. Your chest should not move as you inhale. Deepen your breath.


Breathe in and allow the chest to rise. Fully fill the chest cavity with your inhalation. Don't let the abdomen move during this breathing exercise.


Combine the two types of breath for the full yogic breath. Begin by filling the abdomen with air. Continue to inhale as you fill the chest with air. Think about breathing from your navel upwards.


Exhale by first releasing the air in your chest and continuing by releasing the air in your abdomen. Imagine a wave going over your body as you exhale. You are now breathing like a yogi.


Continue practicing these deep breaths. Soon you can breathe like a yogi in your everyday activities.

Tips & Warnings

Practice daily.

Don't force breaths. Breathe deeply but comfortably.