How to Change Bad Habits Using a Thought Board
A vision board is an aid to help you conceptualize what you'd like to create in your life. It's a graphic image depicting the goals for your business, body, relationship, or practically anything else. A thought board is a variation of that same concept. These boards can be used to create new thought patterns and end self-defeating behavior. Follow these steps to break bad habits using a thought board.
Choose habits you want to change. Think about why you want to change them and how they affect you. Take responsibility for where you are and commit to making a difference in your own life. Decide what habits you'll adopt to replace the old ones.
Explore. Breaking any bad habit requires self-awareness. Identify the thoughts and beliefs that contribute to your behavior. For instance, you want to stop overeating, but you believe you should always clean your plate.
Create new thought patterns. Use the information you gathered to choose thoughts that support the new habits. Continuing with the example above, you may now choose the thought, "I stop eating when I'm full no matter what."
Create a thought board. Use a cork board to display your new ideas. Print them clearly in a large font for readability. Put the board in a location that you frequent. Read the board's contents several times a day.
Take action. Implement your new habits. The board will help you develop a new mind frame that will support the change.
Be patient. To break a bad habit takes effort and it gets easier as time passes. Focus on the rewards of breaking your bad habit instead of what you have to do to achieve it. It's all worth it in the long run.
Tips & Warnings
Put sticky notes with the same messages in other places.
Change the contents of the board as your habits change.
A vision board is an aid to help you conceptualize what you'd like to create in your life. It's a graphic image depicting the goals for your business, body, relationship, or practically anything else. A thought board is a variation of that same concept. These boards can be used to create new thought patterns and end self-defeating behavior. Follow these steps to break bad habits using a thought board.
Choose habits you want to change. Think about why you want to change them and how they affect you. Take responsibility for where you are and commit to making a difference in your own life. Decide what habits you'll adopt to replace the old ones.
Explore. Breaking any bad habit requires self-awareness. Identify the thoughts and beliefs that contribute to your behavior. For instance, you want to stop overeating, but you believe you should always clean your plate.
Create new thought patterns. Use the information you gathered to choose thoughts that support the new habits. Continuing with the example above, you may now choose the thought, "I stop eating when I'm full no matter what."
Create a thought board. Use a cork board to display your new ideas. Print them clearly in a large font for readability. Put the board in a location that you frequent. Read the board's contents several times a day.
Take action. Implement your new habits. The board will help you develop a new mind frame that will support the change.
Be patient. To break a bad habit takes effort and it gets easier as time passes. Focus on the rewards of breaking your bad habit instead of what you have to do to achieve it. It's all worth it in the long run.
Tips & Warnings
Put sticky notes with the same messages in other places.
Change the contents of the board as your habits change.